The Parish Council Meeting will be held at

 Muker Village Hall Thursday 23 May 2024 at 7.30 p.m.




  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Declaration of Interests
  3. Minutes of previous meeting  
  4. Matters Arising


  1. Proposal to move Senior Upper Dales school children to Kirkby Stephen.

b. domain and email addresses.


    1. Emergency Plan update.
    2. Car parking Muker.
    3. Unnecessary obstruction of road to services near New House farm, Thwaite.
  1. Finance
    1. Order to pay.  YLCA membership. Defib store battery plus pads. Note telephone incurs £10 delivery charge. Debit
    2. Review of Financial Risk Assessment
    3. Annual Governance and Accountability (AGAR) return 2023/24 approval of accounts.
    4. Exercise of Public Rights set from 3 June until 12 July 2024.
  2. Highways


  1. North Yorkshire Council see Item a above.


  1. NALC Nothing to report.


  1. YDNPA.

21/00523/LBC  Listed Building Consent for Two Storey Extension to the Rear, Formalisation of Outdoor Events Space, Internal Alterations to Existing Building, Installation of Solar Panels to Roof and all Associated Internal and External Alterations (Change in Description and Revised Plans) at Tan Hill Inn Langthwaite To Tan Hill Arkengarthdale Langthwaite North YorkshireDL11 6ED – AMENDED

Full planning permission for repairs and works to Anty Johns to allow reoccupation of former dwelling and extension into adjoining agricultural barn to provide additional living accommodation following implementation of full planning approval reference R/06/15F and listed building consent reference R/06/15G/LB at High Smithy Holme/Anty Johns, Keld, Richmond, DL11 6LW./

Listed building consent for repairs and works to Anty Johns to allow reoccupation of former dwelling and extension into adjoining agricultural barn to provide additional living accommodation following implementation of full planning approval reference R/06/15F and listed building consent reference R/06/15G/LB at High Smithy Holme/Anty Johns, Keld, Richmond, DL11 6LW


10   Y.L.C.A.  exploring possibility of hosting Parish documents, still awaiting reply.


  1. Other Correspondence/A.O.B.


  1. Date and Time of next meeting to be confirmed


Dated this  21 March 2024 - Signed………………………………………..Clerk to the Council